E3: Preparing for WODs Essay

27 Sep 2021

Invoice 1 was the first WOD where we were required to use dynamic variables and output the results of five different products inside of a table. As opposed to manually hard coding the table’s values.Link to further details:

2) Discuss your experiences in performing the WOD. What worked well, what did you stumble on or slowed you down.

Over all my experience with Invoice 1 wod was acceptable. I had no trouble with formulating all of the data variables and items. I mainly used copy and paste and ctrl-F and replace all of the numbers from item1, quantity1, price1, etc. The only slag I was confused on was inserting the variables into the table correctly. This was because I was not sure to use backtick literals as a string or the object method.

3) Describe what you did to prepare. What did you do similarly or differently from the WOD before this?

Besides from looking at the class materials I didn’t really do much to prepare as I should have Compared to previous wods I didn’t rely on looking up answers on google as much as I used to. However, I did watch the video several times in order to understand it.

4) Discuss what you could have done to be better prepared and what you might try differently for the next WOD.

Find a better recording software that doesn’t cut out every sentence, I would have tried using Audacity to boost the song but it would take too long to manually edit the audio of a 30 minute video. If it is unintelligible please let me know and I will fix it.